Addressing Growing Cybersecurity Concerns: Multiple Threats, Multiple Defenses

Cybersecurity making your head hurt? There’s a lot to understand, from endpoint protection and user protection to multifactor authentication and email phishing. SRT will provide a multi-layered defense for your cybersecurity.

The answer to Cybersecurity is not just one product or antivirus program. To create a complete security system, you need to consider four areas:

Endpoint Protection

These are the devices your employees are using – the “endpoints.”  Having an antivirus program is a good start, but it needs to be managed. Updates and patches to the operating system and third-party applications are also essential.

Email Protection

Whether hosted with Microsoft, Google or your web provider, you need protection greater than just what is built-in. The email solution also needs to be configured correctly. We handle both.

Network Protection

Think of this as the gateway for all communication between your employees and your customers. This is also the mainline defense against outside threats and cyber attacks. Your office is probably behind a firewall, but are your employees? Even if both are behind firewalls – are they configured correctly? Monitored?

User & Data Protection

Solutions such as email encryption or SafeSend fall into this category.  So does Security Awareness Training, which often goes overlooked. Most threats require someone to “launch” something to do their damage. Is your staff trained to spot the threats?

The more mobile your business is, the higher your network security concerns get.

Contact us now to find out how we can help!