Strategic and Realistic IT Consulting

At Steel River Techs, we do more than the average IT consultancy’s approach of giving you a standard solution to a current problem and sending you on your way. Instead, our recommendations are rooted in finding the cause of the issues, not just the symptoms, and coming up with innovative solutions that can be adapted and improved whenever needed. 

When you sit down with us, SRT IT consultants will get to know your business, asking what your day is like, what questions customers ask you, what keeps you up at night, what would make your life easier, and so on. Our goal is to develop short and long-term solutions that will genuinely improve your system performance, increase user productivity, offer cost reductions when applicable, and leave you in a better place than where you started.

IT Consultants That Listen 

We know each business is different – even if they share common goals. Time in business, number of employees, capital on-hand, or current industry compliance requirements all affect your current IT state. These factors often affect nonprofit IT consulting to a higher degree. 

If you’ve got the basics down, we can dive into more improvements by asking things like:

  • Are you getting the most out of your IT spend? 
  • Which technologies are worth investing in? 
  • Are you getting the most from your VoIP solution?? 
  • Do you have a business continuity plan? When was the last time you tested, and what were the results?

When we dive deeper into your business’ holistic goals, we can provide better long-term solutions by considering everything — from design, planning and implementation to cost reduction and assessments throughout, and even management of current IT setup in the meantime. Our IT consultants are trained to give you support throughout the entire process.